Disney Princess: Volume 1: A Read-Aloud Storybook by Jennifer Liberts Weinberg
Dance with Cinderella at the ball, laugh with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and sing with Sleeping Beauty in one 64-page Read-Aloud Storybook. Each of the three stories retells the classic tale of a Disney Princess who triumphs over evil and lives happily ever after.
Dance with Cinderella at the ball, laugh with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and sing with Sleeping Beauty in one 64-page Read-Aloud Storybook. Each of the three stories retells the classic tale of a Disney Princess who triumphs over evil and lives happily ever after.
Dance with Cinderella at the ball, laugh with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and sing with Sleeping Beauty in one 64-page Read-Aloud Storybook. Each of the three stories retells the classic tale of a Disney Princess who triumphs over evil and lives happily ever after.